Answered By: Gina Bolger
Last Updated: Dec 06, 2016     Views: 114

Several Bible dictionaries are available in the reference section (starting with call numbers BS440 (Anchor Bible Dictionary and New Interpreters Dictionary of the Bible) as well as more concise one-volume dictionaries (We recommend: IVP New Bible Dictionary or the Baker Illustrated Bible Dictionary.

The InterVarsity Dictionary series (separate volumes for each section of Bible are also available in Reference; and all of the InterVarsity series now are also available as eBooks and therefore can be searched online and portions saved for printing and emailing**: Dictionary of the OT: Pentateuch; Dictionary of the OT: Historical Books; Dictionary of Jesus and the Gospels; Dictionary of NT Background; Dictionary of Biblical Imagery. Dictionary of the OT: Prophets; Dictionary of the OT: Wisdom & Poetry; Dictionary of the Later NT; and Dictionary of Paul and His Letters.

**TIP: Specific portions of the IVP Dictionary series may be downloaded for offline reading. However, it is recommended that a simpler method, once you've found the desired article, is to select "Email". The PDF that is sent to you will then allow you to print or save more easily than downloading.