Answered By: Gina Bolger
Last Updated: Dec 06, 2016     Views: 534

To find Bible commentaries search the Miller Library online catalog. Choose a Subject Search from the drop down menu. Use one of following examples (or one of your own) in the search box:

Bible Matthew Commentaries- (>about 225 as of Fall 2015)

Bible Peter 1st Commentaries (>about 91 as of Fall 2015)

Bible Genesis Commentaries

Once you find the books that interest you copy down the title and call number and head to the stacks to find the books. Pay close attention to the location of the book. Bible Commentaries that have a location of "Cornerstone Shelves" are located on the second floor. The location "Cornerstone Reference" is on the first floor and are for in-house use only.

For a list of faculty-recommended OT & NT commentaries, see the Bible subject Guide.